About Us

Equilibrium is:
- A mail order business that has been publishing & distributing Kinesiology materials in Australia and overseas for over 39 years. It has the largest range of Kinesiology & related materials in the world.
- A business that started before computers, emails and mobile phones and prides itself on the old fashioned style of service of direct contact - so feel free to email us with any queries. Orders can also be placed this way.
- Click here to read: A brief History of Equilibrium
NOTE: Equilibrium began in 1984 and was: - A shop in Ormond, Melbourne from 1993 to late 2019. In addtion to the Kinesiology Supplies, Equilibrium was also retailing books, charts and a wide variety of products in the Natural Health & Wellbeing field . In January 2020 the business moved to the country for a tree change and became Mail Order only. Over the nearly 27 years with the shop in Melbourne, Equilibrium became recognised as the foremost Kinesiology & Related Supplies shop in the world. It continues this reputation as a Mail Order business of 40 plus years.
Kinesiology & related Books, Charts, CD's and DVD's published in Australia by EQUILIBRIUM (over 40 titles).........
- TFH Student Manual
- TFH Reference Chart
- TFH 5 Element & Acupuncture Chart
- TFH Acupuncture Chart
- TFH Colour For Health book
- TFH Metaphor Pocket Book
- TFH Learning Experience CD (NLA)
- TFH Pocket Book (NLA)
- TFH Practical Exercises Workbook (Instructor purchase only item)
- TFH Practical Essentials booklet
- Eat Right Live Right mini workshop booklet
- Perceptive Vision mini workshop booklet
- Kinesiology for Kids mini workshop booklet
- Healthy Pets mini workshop booklet
- Meridian & Five Element Theory in Kinesiology
- Revolutionary Way of Thinking by Charles Krebs
- Nutrition for the Brain by Charles krebs
- Nutritional Energy Reflex Point Chart by Charles Krebs et al
- Basics of Life by Marco Rado
- Integrative Neurocardiology by Marco Rado
- Brain Gym Teacher's Edition
- Brain Gym 101 Manual (Instructor purchase only item)
- Hands On Brain Gym in the Classroom
- Hands on Ideas
- Brain Gym Activity Chart for Children A1
- Brain Gym Activity Chart for Children A2
- Alphabet 8's Chart
- Brain Gym PACE chart for Children
- Brain Gym PACE CD
- Vision Gym DVD set
- Vision Gym Manual
- Balancing the Body's Energies
- Biokinesiology Workbook
- Biokinetic Exercises Workbook
- Allergies: How to Find & Conquer
- Essences Description Manual
- Essences For Kinesiologists
- Kinesiologists Dictionary of Emotional States
- Insights for Integrated Healing by Nikki Barrett
- The Scan Charts Book by Barry Auchettl
- LWP Testing Kit Description Manual by Jane Thurnell Read
Some of these materials (a few of the TFH materials listed first up), were published way back in 1984. However the list as a whole has made materials much more easily accesible and cheaper for Australian customers. And in some cases had allowed for distribution back to the rest of world.