Books, Cards & Accessories

EssencesBooks, Charts, Card Decks & Empty Dropper Bottles.

Bach Flower Essences Satchel (sale)

Zip seal leather satchel for the 38 Bach Flower Essences and Rescue Remedy - for the standard 10ml bottles. Shop Display pouch - never used and in excellent condition


Empty Wooden Box for Essences (Damaged)

Slightly Damaged - Empty Wooden Box for 10 ml Essence Bottles - 40 slots. Same as the current box used for the 10ml Bach Flower Essences


31% OFF

RRP $77.00

Essences Description Manual

A compilation of various popular ranges of essences (many kinesiology based), including lists and descriptions of individual bottles. Fantastic resource for Kinesiologists and Natural Therapists. Covers over 500 individual essences with descriptions......


Essential Flower Essence Book

Fllower essence history and human/plant co-evolution, the ‘doctrine of signatures’ of plants (with illustrations) and how to ‘read’ them, a description of our subtle (energetic) anatomy and how flower essences positively influence the subtle bodies and...


Flower Essence Repertory

A Comprehensive Guide to the Flower Essences researched by Dr. Edward Bach and by the Flower Essence Society. Part I: Overview of flower essence theory and practice. Part II: Soul issues, over 3200 entries, alphabetically arranged by categories from......


Oracle of the Essences Cards

A 70-Card Deck and Guidebook - your guide to the healing and spiritual energy of plants and their natural qualities. Each card is a beautiful artwork representing the personality and soul of each plant, connecting you to their essences and the many......


Attitude With Essence

Reference manual for the 7 Element Hologram course. Relates meridians to flower essences (Bach, Australian Bush and Desert Flowers) according to Applied Physiology. Complete with all descriptions and affirmations. Also includes flower essence directory...


Remedy Affirmation Cards

from Australian Bush Flower Essences: exclusive boxed collection of 29 inspiring affirmation cards each with photo of a key Bush Essence in each of our Combination for more info.......


Essences For Kinesiologists

Comprehensive list of flower essences from 3 popular flower ranges - The Bach Flowers, The Australian Bush Flowers and the Flower Essence Society Flowers (Californian Essences). Each essence is listed with: 1. An attitude to become aware of and to.......


Bach Flowers Today

Provides an introduction for the novice and a clarification for more experienced users of Bach Flowers. It is divided into sections: About the Bach Flowers; Bach Flowers: Agrimony – Willow and Rescue Remedy. The internal subheadings for individual......


Bach Flower Essences & Chinese Medicine

By using a person’s descriptions of their complaints and chronic conditions combined with Flower-type personality traits, Pablo Noriega sheds new light on prescribing flower essences. Included is a full primer on Chinese Medicine, exploring in detail.....


Shell Essences Healing CARDS

80 cards with Colour photos & descriptions of all the first 40 Shell Essences, 24 Infinite Energy & 16 Corals. Includes Instructions and the Shell Essence Booklet.....


Bach Flower Picture Reference Cards

Set of pictorial reference cards for the 38 Bach Flower Remedies. Each depicting a watercolour of a remedy plant. On the back is descriptive information including details of where and when Dr Bach first prepared the remedy.


Affirm a Flower

Bach Flower Cards: 39 exquisite colour photo cards with affirmations for each Bach Flower. Four affirmations for each flower appear on the back of each photo card. Includes instruction booklet. Click to see alternative picture for example......


Flower Insight Cards

Beautifully photographed and in full colour, each of the 69 cards reflects the vibrancy and potency of each Essence, whilst also opening up many new ways of healing with the Australian Bush Flower Essences. Also use the cards for divination, tarot read...


Desert Alchemy Cards Set

Now updated to 119 cards - with exquisite photographs of popular desert flowers, plus instructions with different methods for using the flower cards & box for storing the cards. Please read further for important notes on this deck....................


Australian Wild Flower Reading Card Set

Consists of 44 cards and a guidebook that provides guidance through native Australian Wildflower imagery and oracle teachings. The artwork is uniquely created by Cheralyn Darcey on linocut with traditional gouache paints. The guidebook features unique....


Australian Bush Flower Remedies Booklet

New Edition - Concise descriptions of all 69 Bush Flower Remedies with negative conditions and positive outcomes, plus illustrations. In booklet, quick reference format.


Australian Bush Flower Essences

An informative and personal picture of the first fifty Bush Flower Essences which includes the unique story behind each Essence and its use in all areas of healing. Beautifully illustrated with photos of the individual flowers this book also covers.......


Animal Healing

Gives very practical hints for keeping your animals fit and happy as well as dealing with their problems of health and behaviour. The topics covered in this book include......


Australian Bush Flower Healing

Covers the 12 Essences that were developed after his first book was published. This text is also fully illustrated and contains stunning photos and This book covers the following topics........


Happy Healthy Kids

Traces a child’s physical, emotional and spiritual development from preconception, through pregnancy and birth, to age seven. Key emotional issues and a wide variety of everyday ailments a child may face at each stage of growth are described alongside....


Alchemy of the Desert

The Complete & Comprehensive Guide to the Desert Flower essences. Describes in detail the 119 desert essences and the 47 composite formula. Includes cross reference guide. 570 pages.


Flower & Healing Meditations CD

This CD contains the Flower Meditation from the Level 1 Workshop along with a guided cleansing and purifying meditation. These meditations allow you to tune into the realm of both Spirit and Nature to discover your own inner healing......
