Kinesiology Charts

Equilibrium Kinesiology Supplies has for over the 30 years offered the largest range of Kinesiology Charts in the world !
All charts are laminated unless advised otherwise. Wall charts are dispatched in tubes. A4 or desk charts and other small charts may, instead,
 be sent with any books etc in the order.

See also our Brain Gym Charts

Thymus 8th Chakra A4 Chart

Double Sided & Laminated Desk Chart - This is a specialty chart for people who know how to use the 7 Chi Keys. It is a new addition to Applied Physiology’s “7 Chi Keys” developed by Sherril Taylor for Applied Physiology Practitioners. May help with......


Toxic Shame Scan Chart

Laminated, Double Sided A4 chart which covers: Definitions of Shame and Toxic Shame; The Shame Spectrum and Paradigms of Shame; Dynamics and Syndromes of Shame. It makes a great addition to the kinesiology, or other, tool kit to explore any deeply.....


TFH Reference Chart

This huge, colourful and informative chart contains all the TFH information - muscle tests, meridians, nutrition, all the corrections and the muscles themselves. A wonderful reference for the TFH Stages 1 to 4 .....


TFH 5 Element & Midday Midnight Law Chart

Laminated, 79 x 61 cm. The TFH Law of the 5 Elements with the Midday Midnight law as taught in Touch For Health. Shows a large 5 Elements picture for 5 Element balancing, the TFH Wheel, 5 Elements relationships pie chart and Acupressure Holding points ...


TFH Acupuncture Chart

90 x 60 cm, laminated wall chart of the 14 Acupuncture Meridians in detail. Shows all labelled Acupuncture Points along the Meridians (e.g. K27, GB31 etc). Offers a three sided body view: front, back and side and therefore......


TFH Metaphors & 5 Element Chart

Lists all the TFH 5 Element Chinese Metaphors newest to the TFH curriculum on one side and the Law of the 5 Elements info on the other. Full Colour, Doublesided & Laminated. 44 x 28 cm......


PKP 5 Element Emotion Chart

The colourful chart of the complete list of 5 Element Emotions used in the PKP system. Available in 3 Sizes: Super Wall Chart (A1), Wall Chart (A2), 59 x 42 cm, A4 Size

From $17.00

PKP Neuro-Emotional Reflexes

Double sided A4 chart with the Neuro-Emotional Trigger Points for each meridian on one side and the Meridian Emotions (5 for each meridian) on the other.


PKP Amygdala

Single sided A4 chart with the emotions for the Amygdala.


PKP Neuro-Lymphatic Points

Double sided A4 chart with the Neuro-Lymphatic Massage Points for each meridian. Posterior points on one side and the anterior points on the other.


PKP Neuro-Vascular Points

Double sided A4 chart with the Neuro-Vascular Holding Points for each meridian on one side a diagram of the actual meridians on the reverse side.


Kinesiology Command Point

Laminated wall chart from the ICPKP. On each of the 12 bilateral meridians are five 'points of command' between meridians and named after the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water points. These are the 60 command points. This chart also.....


Nutritional Energy Reflex Points

From Applied Physiology, this chart contains all the reflex or circuit locating points for nutritional deficiencies and excesses. Includes vitamins, minerals, proteins, digestive enzymes, toxic chemicals and heavy metals. Includes the latest research.....


Universal Barometer Wall Chart

New Edition (2024) of the Universal Barometer from the College of Neuro-Training, with emotions from the different kinesiology modalities linked together on the one chart. Includes famous and in demand Behavioural Barometer structured from Three In One.


Cranial Kinesiology Chart

Taken from the modality Cranial Kinesiology, developed by Guy Bennett (B.Sc.), this work explores techniques to free up the cranio-sacral respiration. The chart traces the flow of the chakra energies and the harmonic movement of the cranial wave through..


Kinergetics Emotion Chart

The Kinergetics Emotions Chart, also found on the back of the Kinergetics Manuals, now available as an A3 sized, laminated wall chart.


Muscles on Meridians Chart

A3 sheened chart of 180 muscles listed with their associated meridians. Grouped according to the 12 major meridians plus the Central & Governing, all with coloured headings. This chart has been produced for quick and easy reference and may prove.....


Counselling Kinesiology Chart

This black & white A4 chart shows the emotional states that are central to the Counselling Kinesiology modality. One side is the Developmental Directory(TM) Chart & the reverse side is The Grief Gauge(TM) Chart.......



Out Of Print - Please register interest regarding future availability. A2 chart with the RESET corrections. RESET book is however available on this site - $15


Acupuncture Wall Chart (PAPER)

Large PAPER Wall Chart from the Rudiger Series, Germany. A0 size - 1m high x 60cm wide. Comes with metal strips top & bottom and hook. A popular option as an Acupuncture chart to some of the others that we sell because it has thick coloured...


21% OFF

RRP $67.00

Aromatic Emotional Barometer

The A4 chart of Aromatherapy Emotions of xx Oils from the Aromatic Kinesiology course and Robbi's book, 'The Blossoming Heart', also available on this site.


Meridians & the Five Elements Chart

A2 Laminated Wall Chart - A colourful representation of the meridians on the human body. The meridians are shown from the front, the back and the side, in different colours according to their corresponding element. The points for the elements on the.....


Special Points in Acupuncture

A4 Double Sided Laminated Desk Chart - Shows the Transporting points, the Window of the sky points, the Accumulation points,the Luo and the Source points, the tonification points, sedation points, points of entry, points of exit & more......


Aura Emotions Desk Chart

Single sided A4 Desk chart: Perfect for using in your clinic space – for Kinesiology Practitioners, Shiatsu Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Natural Therapists or anyone who works with the Aura’s energy and is interested in the emotion.....


Transpersonal Chakra Emotions Chart

A4 double sided, cello gloss laminated chart - Total 360 emotions - 60 emotions for each of the six Transpersonal Chakras – Earth Star, Causal, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, Universal, Divine Gateway. Emotions numbered in each section for ease of muscle...


Chakra Emotions A4 chart set

A4 chart set with 630 emotions – 90 emotions for each chakra - Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown plus other info such as Related Element for each Chakra, Symbol for each Chakra - colour coded......


Chakra Emotions Wall Chart

Damaged Copies - Perfect resource for using in your clinic space or anyone who LOVES Chakras and the emotions associated with them! Includes 630 emotions in total – 90 emotions for each of the 7 chakras plus the Element and symbol for each Chakra.


Five Element & Meridian Emotions Wall Chart

It includes 1,440 emotions in total – 120 emotions for each of the 5 Elements and 60 emotions for each of the 14 Meridians. It also has the Season and Essence for each Element and the peak times of day for each Meridian. Fern filled & lush green....


Colour Therapy Reference Chart & Cards Set

A4 set of laminated desk charts (2 charts totally four sides) & 17 Colour Cards. Includes 17 different colours, over 900+ Negative and Positive emotions and over 250+ Physical Attributes which saves you so much time in scanning through reference books...


Crystal Reference Chart Set

A4, laminated, double sided charts (6 charts - 12 pages): Includes: 108 Crystals, Colour picture of each crystal, Over 800 Negative Emotions (what the crystals clear), Over 2,000 Positive Emotions (what the crystals bring and shift), Over 800 Physical...


Crystal Reference Chart Set - Unique Crystals

A4, sheened laminated, full colour double sided charts (4 charts - 8 pages): The second chart set in a series of 2, that contains more 'unique' or lesser known crystals. Click to view more on the contents.......


Essential Oil Reference Chart Set

Laminated, A4 & double sided (5 charts: total 10 pages): Developed by Denise Robinson to assist students, practitioners and the general public with a quick ‘go to’ reference guide. includes: 87 Essential Oils, 800 Negative Emotions (what the oils.....
