Kinesiology Resources

Please feel free to make use of the contacts below to explore the Kinesiology field......
Kinesiology Associations:
Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. (AKA):
Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Ltd. (AIK):
Kinesiology Modality Contacts:
Aromatic Kinesiology:
Australian SFEF Kinesiology Association (ASKA):
Counselling Kinesiology:
Brain Gym Australia:
Kinergetics National Association Inc. (KNA):
International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice:
Three In One Concepts (Australia):
Touch For Health Instructors Association of Australia (TFHIAA):
International Kinesiology College (IKC):
Kinesiology Books, Charts & Materials:
Equilibrium Kinesiology & Brain Gym Supplies: (this site !)
Dictionary of Kinesiology Terms:
ACUPUNCTURE POINT: Specific points of energy along Acupuncture Meridians.
ALARM POINT: Specific Acupuncture Points used for the detection of Over Energy in Meridians.
CIRCUIT LOCATE: To Circuit Locate is to access nerve or energy circuits in the body by finger touch and then muscle testing to see if the circuit is 'active' or 'involved'.
CIRCUIT RETAINING MODE: Technique used in Kinesiology to hold something, usually an imbalance of some kind, in the body's nervous system or circuit. 'Circuit Retaining' is like selecting a file on a computer and having it stay on the screen so that it can be worked on.
FIVE ELEMENTS: The Law of the Five Elements from Chinese Healing Philosophy explains that everything in the Universe belongs to one of the Five Elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood. These Elements are not so much physical ideas but 'qualities' of things. The Five Elements are a widely used concept in Kinesiology.
FOOD SENSITIVITY: In Kinesiology food allergies are usually termed food sensitivities. However, food sensitivities can be much more. Medically, allergies are sympathetically rashes etc., caused by food, chemicals etc. Food (or chemical) sensitivities include any substance that imbalances or stresses the body in anyway, rashes or not.
INDICATOR MUSCLE: The muscle chosen for the test one wishes to perform i.e. in food sensitivity testing one chooses an indicator muscle that when tested will 'indicate' an imbalance, stress or sensitivity to the food.
INTEGRATION: The working together and communication between the left & right hemispheres of the Brain.
MERIDIAN: The energy pathways or channels discovered by the Chinese almost 3,000 years ago that are still used by Acupuncturists to this day. Well used in Kinesiology too!
MUSCLE TEST: The act of testing a muscle to find out something about the state of the body/mind. The fundamental and key technique that has made Kinesiology famous and popular today.
NEURO-LYMPHATIC: Correction point in Kinesiology where one gently massages the point to stimulate lymphatic flow/drainage around a particular part of the body.
NEURO-VASCULAR: Correction point in Kinesiology where one gently touches the point with one's fingertips to stimulate vascular flow to a particular part of the body.
OVER-ENERGY: Where there is too much energy flowing through a meridian or energy pathway.
PRE-TESTS: Simple tests performed before any kinesiology work to check to see if the body is ready for efficient and accurate muscle testing. Pretests may include a dehydration test, test for switching, test for Central Meridian reversal or a test for ionisation.
STRESS RELEASE POINTS: The use of the Forehead Neuro-Vascular Points to stimulate blood flow to the frontal part of the brain for clear, calm thinking and processing.
SWITCHED ON/OFF: In a muscle test the muscle can be Switched On or Off. The term is also used to describe the state where one's nervous system is switched on or switched off to an activity i.e., reading, walking, concentrating etc.