New Testing Kits & Vials

New kits & single vials are added from time to time.
These may be from the ranges of kits:

EP Brain Wave Kit

5 vials - Unboxed. Comes in sealed flat pack Delta: 1-4 Hz, Theta: 4-7 Hz, Alpha: 8-12 Hz, Beta 12-30 Hz, Gamma: 30-100 Hz........


EP Celiac's Disease Test Kit

30 vials, including flat tray storage box - 10 x 50mm vial size .Excellent spread of vials for Celiac Disease, sometimes called celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy,...... Click to view contents..........


EP Parkinson's Disease Testing Kit

35 vials, including flat tray storage box - 10 x 50mm vial size. Various Hormones, Neurons, Amino Acids, chamicals and more, all related to Parkinson's Disease.....Click to view full list......


EP Alzheimer’s Disease Test Kit

30 vials - Various brain cells, proteins, protein coding, enzymes, immune, related metals and to view full list....10 x 50mm vials, boxed......


KTK Emotions Test Kit

50 vials, including storage box and vial descriptions. Designed to give practitioners, such as Kinesiologists, Chiropractors, Bioresonance Practitioners, and Naturopaths, who are trained in muscle testing, a practical tool to test for emotions........


KTK Food Testing Kit 6

50 vials - contains some of the foods that many people have food sensitivities or allergies to, such as Diet Coke and Coke Zero, crustaceans, or vegetable oil  just to name a few. Additionally, this Kinesiology Test Kit also includes a variety of.......


KTK Medical Conditions Test Kit

100 vials, boxed: This is a Medical Conditions Test Kit for Kinesiologists & other therapists and contains 100 commonly diagnosed medical conditions. Click to view the list..........


KTK Moulds, Fungi & Yeast Test Kit

100 vials, boxed: Contains 100 of the most common moulds, fungi and yeasts affecting humans.. Click to view full list.......


LWP Coxsackie Test Kit

10 Vials, boxed - The energy pattern of 10 different Coxsackie strains. Click for more info.......


LWP Fertility (IVF) Drugs Test Kit

14 vials - boxed: The energy pattern of drugs used to help women to conceive a child...... Click to view details......
