LWP Parasite Test Kit
94 vials, boxed

Vial Size: 10 x 50mm
Box: Sturdy white cardboard flat tray box with a foam inlay for the vials

This kit started out many years ago with 31 vials and progressed to 3 kits of 94 vials as more parasite vials were added over the years. These kits have now been combined into one kit of 94 vials (and discounted). If you purchased any of the 3 parasite kits in the past and wish to be updated let us know.

The energy patterns of tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms various flukes, blastocystis hominus and different life stages of parasites

PA 1    Ancylostoma Caninum   
Damage to intestinal walls, anemia, itchy skin, dizziness, pneumonitis, anorexia. Tropical parasite; usual host is dogs.

PA 2    Ancylostoma, Egg   
Tropical parasite; picked up from working barefoot amongst faeces or eating contaminated food.

PA 3    Ancylostoma, Female   
Tropical parasite; picked up from working barefoot amongst faeces or eating contaminated food.

PA 4    Ascaris, Female   
Human Roundworm    
Sometimes asymptomatic; urticaria; mild to acute colicky pain with distension; reduced appetite; larvae in lungs can provoke pneumonia.    The most common worm infection worldwide, particularly in developing countries; commonly found in dogs and cats.

PA 5    Ascaris, Male   
Human Roundworm    
Sometimes asymptomatic; urticaria; mild to acute colicky pain with distension; reduced appetite; larvae in lungs can provoke pneumonia.    The most common worm infection worldwide, particularly in developing countries; commonly found in cats and dogs

PA 6    Cimex   
Bed Bug   
Itchy, painful bites which can lead to bacterial infection.    Lives in plaster, walls, furniture, bed frames.

PA 7    Clonorchis Sinensis   
Human  Oriental Liver Fluke   
Chronic liver disease; death if left untreated.    Widespread in china, japan, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam; via domestic dogs and cats.

PA 8    Culex Adult, Female   
Gnat/ Mosquito
PA 9    Dipylidium, Scolex Mature & Gravid Proglottides   
Grows in segments; the end can be uterus packed with eggs.

PA 10    Echinococcus Granulosus   
Affects liver, lungs, brain and bones.    From sheep and cattle

PA 11    Enterobius Vermicularis   
Often cause itching of the anus; may provoke appendicitis.The most common worm infection in UK; lives in upper part of large intestine; children particularly affected.

PA 12    Fasciola
Liver Fluke   
PA 13    Fasciola, Cercaria   
Liver Fluke
Mainly lives in liver of sheep.

PA 14    Fasciola, Egg   
Liver Fluke
Mainly in liver of sheep.

PA 15    Fasciola, Redia
Liver Fluke   
PA 16    Necator Americanus, Eggs   
Symptoms can include coughing and wheezing, but may be asymptomatic. Common infection in the Americas, sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia and the pacific.

PA 17    Onchocerca Volvulus   
Filarial Worm   
Asymptomatic until worm dies when causes inflammation and itching. Predominantly Africa, but also South America and Yemen.

PA 18    Paragonimus Westermani,Eggs   
Lung  Fluke   
Coughing, chest pains, fever, night sweats.Most important lung fluke affecting humans, widespread in the far east and SE Asia.

PA 19    Pediculus Humanus Capitis   
Head Louse/ Head Lice   
Itching    Can spread other diseases such as typhus and trench fever.

PA 20    Schistosoma Mansoni, Adult Female   
Blood Fluke       
Common tropical fluke, responsible for bilharzia, found in Africa, parts of S. America, the Caribbean and Arabia.

PA 21    Schistosoma Mansoni, Cercariae   
Blood Fluke       
Common tropical fluke, responsible for bilharzia, found in Africa, parts of S. America, the Caribbean and Arabia.

PA 22    Schistosoma Mansoni, Egg   
Blood Fluke       
Common tropical fluke, responsible for bilharzia, found in Africa, parts of S. America, the Caribbean and Arabia.

PA 23    Schistosoma Mansoni, Miracidia   
Blood Fluke       
Common tropical fluke, responsible for bilharzia, found in Africa, parts of S. America, the Caribbean and Arabia.

PA 24    Taenia, Scolex   
Hunger, weakness, weight loss.    From eating uncooked meat; common in tropical countries.
PA 25    Taenia, Scolex Immature, Mature & Gravid Proglottids    Tapeworm    Hunger, weakness, weight loss.    From eating uncooked meat; common in tropical countries.

PA 26    Trichinella Spiralis, Encysted Larvae   
Intestinal Nematode/ Pork-Worm    Abdominal pain and diarrhoea followed by muscle and joint pain and fever    Found in Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and the arctic, main sources are undercooked pork and wild meat.

PA 27    Trichinella Spiralis,Female   
Intestinal Nematode/ Pork-Worm    Abdominal pain and diarrhoea followed by muscle and joint pain and fever    Found in Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and the arctic, main sources are undercooked pork and wild meat.

PA 28    Trichinella Spiralis,Male   
Intestinal Nematode/ Pork-Worm    Abdominal pain and diarrhoea followed by muscle and joint pain and fever    Found in Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and the arctic, main sources are undercooked pork and wild meat.

PA 29    Trichuris Trichiura   
Asymptomatic  but can cause dysentery-like illness. World-wide distribution.

PA 30    Trichuris Trichiura,Egg   
Asymptomatic  but can cause dysentery-like illness. World-wide distribution.

PA 31    Xenopsylla Cheopsis   
Rat Flea       
Transmits plague, typhus and two tape worms.


PA2 32    Amblyomma Americanum    
Lone Star Tick        
A major carrier of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease.

PA2 33    Ancylostoma Braziliense    
Human Hookworm    
Severe skin itching.
PA2 34    Ancylostoma Duodenale, Male    
Human Hookworm    
Itching, gastrointestinal bleeding, iron deficiency.Common in north Africa, northern India, northern parts of the far east and the Andean region of south America.

PA2 35    Ascaris Lumbricoides, Eggs    
Human Roundworm    
Sometimes asymptomatic; urticaria; mild to acute. Colicky pain with distension; reduced appetite; larvae in lungs can provoke pneumonia. Commonly found in cats and dogs.

PA2 36    Blastocystis Hominis        
Watery or loose stools, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, anal itching, weight loss, and excess gas.Common microscopic parasitic organism found throughout the world.

PA2 37    Chilomastix Mesnili, Cysts        
An amoeba found in intestine. Viewed as harmless by the medical profession.

PA2 38    Chilomastix Mesnili, Trophozoites        
An amoeba found in intestine.    Viewed as harmless by the medical profession.

PA2 39    Clonorchis Sinensis, Eggs    
Human Oriental Liver Fluke    
Chronic liver disease; death if left untreated.    Widespread in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam; via domestic dogs and cats.

PA2 40    Ctenocephalides Felis, Adult    
Cat Flea
PA2 41    Dermacentor Andersoni, Nymph            
Tick which carries Rocky Mountain fever.

PA2 42    Dermacentor Variabilis, Male    
American Dog Tick        
Transmits spotted fever; carries Lyme disease bacteria, but unclear if can transmit it to humans.

PA2 43    Dientamoeba Fragilis        
Found in large intestine; abdominal pain, gas and mild diarrhoea.
PA2 44    Diphyllobothrium, Eggs    
Broadfish Tapeworm    
Found in small intestine from eating raw or undercooked fish.    Prevalent in Scandinavia and around American great lakes.

PA2 45    Dirofilaria Immitis    
Dog Heartworm        
In dogs & cats, rarely in humans.

PA2 46    Endolimax Nana, Cyst        
An amoeba found in intestine.    Originally thought to be non-pathogenic, studies suggest it can cause intermittent or chronic diarrhea.

PA2 47    Enterobius Vermicularis, Eggs    
Often cause itching of the anus; may provoke appendicitis; lives in upper part of large intestine. The most common worm infection in UK; children particularly affected.

PA2 48    Fasciolopsis Buski, Eggs        
Chronic infections may lead to inflammation, ulceration, hemorrhage, and abscesses of the small intestine.    Found in SE Asia.

PA2 49    Hymenolepis Nana / Vampirolepis Nana, Eggs    
Dwarf Tapeworm    
Often no symptoms; headaches, dizziness, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhoea.    A particular problem in humans in areas of high population density and close contact, and where sanitary conditions are poor; most common tapeworm worldwide.

PA2 50    Isospora, Oocysts        
Infection causes acute, non-bloody diarrhoea with cramping abdominal pain, which can last for weeks and result in malabsorption and weight loss.
PA2 51    Necator Americanus, Adult    
New World Hookworm    
Symptoms can include coughing and wheezing, but may be asymptomatic.Common infection in the Americas, sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia and the pacific.

PA2 52    Necator Americanus, Infective Larvae    
New World Hookworm    
Symptoms can include coughing and wheezing, but may be asymptomatic.Common infection in the Americas, sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia and the pacific.

PA2 53    Paragonimus Westermanii,
Adult    Oriental Lung Fluke    
Coughing, chest pains, fever, night sweats.Most important lung fluke affecting humans, widespread in the far east and SE Asia.

PA2 54    Paragonimus Westermanii, Cercaria    
Oriental Lung Fluke    
Coughing, chest pains, fever, night sweats. Most important lung fluke affecting humans, widespread in the far east and SE Asia.

PA2 55    Paragonimus Westermanii, Metacercaria    
Oriental Lung Fluke    
Coughing, chest pains, fever, night sweats. Most important lung fluke affecting humans, widespread in the far east and SE Asia.

PA2 56    Paragonimus Westermanii, Redia    
Oriental Lung Fluke    
Coughing, chest pains, fever, night sweats. Most important lung fluke affecting humans, widespread in the far east and SE Asia.

PA2 57    Pulex Irritans, Adult
Human Flea, Common flea.

PA2 58    Sarcoptes Scabiei
Itch Mite, Mange Mite    

PA2 59    Schistosoma Haematobium, Eggs    
Blood Fluke    
Urinary tract infection, bilharzia. Found in Africa and Middle East.

PA2 60    Schistosoma Haematobium, Female    
Blood Fluke    
Urinary tract infection, bilharzia.Found in Africa and Middle East.

PA2 61    Schistosoma Japonicum, Eggs    
Blood Fluke    
Fever, bloody diarrhoea, bilharzia.Found in Far East, but eradicated in Japan.

PA2 62    Schistosoma Japonicum, Male    
Blood Fluke    
Fever, bloody diarrhoea, bilharzia.Found in Far East, but eradicated in Japan.

PA2 63    Schistosoma Mansoni, Male    
Blood Fluke    
Bilharzia. Found in Africa, parts of S. America, the Caribbean and Arabia.

PA2 64    Strongyloides Parasitic, Female        
Often asymptomatic, but heavy infestation leads to bloody diarrhoea, anaemia and abdominal pain.Tropical and subtropical countries, particularly south east Asia, Brazil and Columbia.

PA2 65    Strongyloides, Larvae        
Often asymptomatic, but heavy infestation leads to bloody diarrhoea, anaemia and abdominal pain.    Tropical and subtropical countries, particularly SE Asia, Brazil and Columbia.

PA2 66    Toxocara, Eggs    
Cat And Dog Roundworm    
Permanent partial loss of vision; heavier, or repeated can lead to fever, coughing, asthma, or pneumonia.    Spread from dogs and cats.

PA3 67    Ancylostoma Duodenale / Old World Hookworm, Eggs    
Lives in the small intestine of hosts such as humans, cats and dogs; abundant throughout the world, including in the following areas: southern Europe, north Africa, India, China, southeast Asia, some areas in the United States, the Caribbean, and South America.

PA3 68    Brugia Malayi / Brugian Filariasis,  Microfilaria    
A nematode (roundworm), one of the three causative agents of lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) in humans; restricted to South and South East Asia.

PA3 69    Capillaria Hepatica /  Hepaticola Hepatica / Calodium Hepaticum, Eggs    
Causes hepatic capillariasis; found in rats, a wide variety of other wild and domestic mammals, and occasionally humans; has been found in temperate and tropical zones on every continent.

PA3 70    Dicrocoelium Dendriticum / Sheep Liver Fluke    
Usually infects the bile duct; in heavier infections, bile ducts and the biliary epithelium may become enlarged in addition to the generation of fibrous tissue surrounding the ducts, and as a result, causing an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly) or inflammation of the liver (cirrhosis);  worldwide distribution particularly in grazing land near forest areas (good for molluscs) and dry pastures with little other biodiversity (good for the ants) both increased parasite prevalence (molluscs and ants are hosts). Humans can become hosts after accidentally ingesting infected ants.

PA3 71    Diphyllobothrium Latum,Immature Proglottid    
Tapeworm causing Diphyllobothriasis in humans through consumption of raw or undercooked fish; native to Scandinavia, western Russia, and the Baltics, though it is now also present in North America, especially the Pacific Northwest.

PA3 72    Diphyllobothrium Latum,Mature Proglottid    
Tapeworm causing Diphyllobothriasis in humans through consumption of raw or undercooked fish; native to Scandinavia, western Russia, and the Baltics, though it is now also present in North America, especially the Pacific Northwest.

PA3 73    Dipylidium Caninum, Eggs    
Infects organisms afflicted with fleas and canine chewing lice, including dogs, cats, and sometimes human pet-owners, especially children; most infections are asymptomatic, but sometimes  mild diarrhoea, abdominal colic, anorexia, restlessness, constipation, rectal itching and pain due to emerging proglottids through the anal cavity.

PA3 74    Dipylidium Caninum, Immature Proglottid     
Infects organisms afflicted with fleas and canine chewing lice, including dogs, cats, and sometimes human pet-owners, especially children; most infections are asymptomatic, but sometimes  mild diarrhoea, abdominal colic, anorexia, restlessness, constipation, rectal itching and pain due to emerging proglottids through the anal cavity.

PA3 75    Dipylidium Caninum, Mature Proglottid     
Infects organisms afflicted with fleas and canine chewing lice, including dogs, cats, and sometimes human pet-owners, especially children; most infections are asymptomatic, but sometimes  mild diarrhoea, abdominal colic, anorexia, restlessness, constipation, rectal itching and pain due to emerging proglottids through the anus.

PA3 76    Dirofilaria Immitis, Microfilariae     
A parasitic roundworm that is spread from host to host through the bites of mosquitoes; definitive host is the dog, but it can also infect cats, wolves, coyotes, foxes and other animals and under very rare circumstances, humans. (Microfilariae are live young that circulate in the bloodstream for as long as two years, waiting for the next stage in their life cycles in the gut of a bloodsucking mosquito.)

PA3 77    Echinococcus Granulosus /  Hydatid Worm / Hyper Tapeworm / Dog Tapeworm, Cyst    
First document in Alaska but is distributed world-wide; especially prevalent in parts of Eurasia, north and east Africa, Australia, and South America. Most prevalent in sheep farming communities.

PA3 78    Fasciola Hepatica / Common Liver Fluke,Eggs    
Infects the livers of various mammals, including humans; human infections occur in parts of Europe, northern Iran, northern Africa, Cuba, South America, especially the Altiplano regions of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes; also an emerging problem  in Vietnam and Cambodia.

PA3 79    Hymenolepis Nana / Vampirolepis Nana / Dwarf Tapeworm    
One of the most common intestinal worms infecting humans, especially children; common in temperate zones. Most people who are infected do not have any symptoms. Those who have symptoms may experience nausea, weakness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Young children, especially those with a heavy infection, may develop a headache, itchy bottom, or have difficulty sleeping. Sometimes infection is misdiagnosed as a pinworm infection.

PA3 80    Loa Loa / Eye Worm    
Found in Africa and India; travels from the entry site through subcutaneous tissues, causing inflammation in the skin wherever they travel.
PA3 81    Macracanthorhynchus Hirudinaceus, Eggs    
Lives in the intestines of pigs, and very occasionally in humans or dogs. It causes enteritis, gastritis or peritonitis.

PA3 82    Mansonella  
Found in Africa and tropical Americas, spread by biting midges or blackflies; usually asymptomatic.

PA3 83    Schistosoma Japonicum, Cercaria    
Found in China, but now eradicated in Japan; often asymptomatic, but may experience fever, cough, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, hepatosplenomegaly, and eosinophilia. Occasionally central nervous system lesions occur: cerebral granulomatous disease may be caused by ectopic S. japonicum eggs in the brain.

PA3 84    Schistosoma Japonicum, Female    
Found in China, but now eradicated in Japan; often asymptomatic, but may experience fever, cough, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, hepatosplenomegaly, and eosinophilia.

PA3 85    Schistosoma Japonicum, Miracidium    
Found in China, but now eradicated in Japan; often asymptomatic, but may experience fever, cough, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, hepatosplenomegaly, and eosinophilia.

PA3 86    Schistosoma Japonicum, Sporocyst    
Found in China, but now eradicated in Japan; often asymptomatic, but may experience fever, cough, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, hepatosplenomegaly, and eosinophilia.

PA3 87    Schistosoma Mansoni, Male    
Causes intestinal schistosomiasis; present in many countries, predominantly in South America and the Caribbean, Africa including Madagascar, and the Middle East.

PA3 88    Spirometra Mansoni, Egg    
Occurs worldwide in distribution, although most human cases of sparganosis are recorded from southeast Asian countries. Sparganosis is endemic in animals throughout North America, although human cases from this area are rare.

PA3 89    Spirometra Mansoni, Immature Proglottid    
Occurs worldwide in distribution, although most human cases of sparganosis are recorded from southeast Asian countries. Sparganosis is endemic in animals throughout North America, although human cases from this area are rare.

PA3 90    Spirometra Mansoni, Mature Proglottid    
Occurs worldwide in distribution, although most human cases of sparganosis are recorded from southeast Asian countries. Sparganosis is endemic in animals throughout North America, although human cases from this area are rare.

PA3 91    Taenia Saginata / Beef Tapeworm,Immature Proglottid    
Cattle are the intermediate hosts, where larval development occurs, while humans are definitive hosts harbouring the adult worms; found globally and most prevalently where cattle are raised and beef is consumed. It is relatively common in Africa, some parts of Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Latin America.

PA3 92    Taenia Solium / Pork Tapeworm, Eggs    
Found throughout the world, and is most prevalent in countries where pork is eaten; usually asymptomatic, but in severe cases leads to intestinal irritation, anaemia, and indigestion.

PA3 93    Toxocara Canis / Dog Roundworm    
Humans can be infected just by stroking an infected dog's fur and accidentally ingesting infective eggs that may be present on the dog's fur; results in hepatomegaly, myocarditis, respiratory failure and vision problems.

PA3 94    Tunga Penetrans / Chigoe Flea / Jigger    
Native to Central and South America, but now also found sub-Saharan Africa; breeding females burrow into exposed skin on the feet and remain there for two weeks while developing eggs, during which time they swell dramatically, sometimes causing intense irritation; if the flea is left within the skin, dangerous complications can occur including secondary infections, loss of nails, and toe deformation.  



SKU TKpa123

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